Ban Open Carry of Firearms from Target
Excerpt: Open-carry demonstrations in nationwide Target stores are unnecessarily threatening. Urge Target executives to ban open carry of firearms in stores to keep citizens safe.
Target: John J. Mulligan, Target Interim President and CEO/CFO
Goal: Enforce a "no open carry" policy for firearms in Target stores
USA Today reports that Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a national mothers' group, has called for Target stores to change their policies on the open carrying of guns. Advocates for stricter laws on guns claim that Target chain stores in many states have recently been used as the site of demonstrations by groups condoning open-carry policies. In particular, the state of Texas has lax guns laws which permits individuals to carry rifles openly and has been the site of may such open-carry demonstrations in Target stores.
Members of the mothers' advocacy group have argued that Target is a place where many families shop and where many teens work. The group heartily condemns the demonstrations of individuals who flaunt open-carry laws. The Wall Street Journal reports that the National Rifle Association has put forth conflicting responses to the demonstrations. Initially, a spokesperson called the Target demonstration "…downright weird… and downright scary," but the group has since rescinded this perspective. Rather, they continue to support open-carry laws. As executive director Chris W. Cox put it, "…our job isn't to criticize the lawful behavior of fellow gun owners."
Demonstrations using guns in public arenas _is_ "downright scary". Intimidation tactics using guns in public areas where children are often present is despicable. That lawful protections of the right to carry a deadly weapon should supersede an individual's right to feel secure in a public place is a travesty.
The Moms Demand Action coalition has already effected change in several national chain stores, including Chipotle, Starbucks, Chili's, Sonic Drive-In, and Jack in the Box. Join us in urging Target to change their policies to enforce a no-open-carry policy.
Dear Mr. Mulligan,
American citizens have the right to feel safe in public environments. Recently, demonstrations by individuals openly carrying large firearms, such as rifles, have taken away part of that securities. The rise of such demonstration in Target stores has unfortunately been a part of the movement to showcase open-carry freedoms.
In part, the demonstrations at Target show what we already know: gun laws are lax in many areas of the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of unintentional deaths due to firearms from 2000 to 2010 was 7515 (an incidence rate of .23%). However, the demonstrations at Target also intimate that there is an implicit acceptance of violence in our culture.
Banning open carry of guns in Target stores is an important step toward making this national chain a safer environment where families can shop and employees can work. It also sends an important message: we cannot back down to intimidation using firearms.
I join others in affirming that no one should feel threatened during daily activities in this country. I urge you to immediately ban the open carry of fire arms in Target stores and to use your influence to encourage other prominent business officials to do the same. Let us promote an atmosphere of safety and peace where we can.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Gobonobo via Wikipedia
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